Saturday, June 10, 2006

Thoughts of Grace : Speeding up by a 1 ft/sec is different for the tortoise than the hare

Shannon got a B+ in Calculus.

Hear me?

Shannon got a B+.

Shannon is the expressive writing type. She loves writing papers, posting on the web, journaling, reading great books, drinking coffee in conversation.

And she cannot do math.

Hours and hours of tutoring. Many many cheez-its, cups of water, dinners, and crumpled sheets of paper. And yet she still struggled.

But not today.

Shannon got a B+.

I on the other hand got an A-.

But my mom was a Calc teacher. Lemme phrase that differently. If my mom cut herself and started to bleed. She could integrate the volume off the top of her head, and then tell me the differential rate of blood loss. She uses calculus in shopping! SHOPPING!

Basically i never studied for calc. The teacher liked me, and I found the class rather boring.

So Who would stand better before God?
If you had any brains in you, Shannon would. How often we do not measure the difficulties in our peers. Our friends are not good at everything, my friend. We do go to UCLA, but heaven's help you if you arent good at Math AND Language.

but Tim, are you arguing for relativity? Are there no absolutes?
There are absolutes:
1. Love the lord your God with all your heart soul and strength.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

These are absolutes in principle, and should never be mistaken. But at the same time, these are relative and different in their MANIFESTATION.

Look at Wrestling. Look at the Olympics. There are varying degrees of strength. People love/think in different ways. God looks at the heart! Remember the widow who gave all she had to the church! It is to your personal proportion that we will be measured!

Get C+ in classes? Maybe you only have a C+ brain.

Get A without working? You need to understand to do all things unto the lord.

My friends, my friends, know your friends better. Know where they are weak, know where they are strong, and rebuke and encourage them accordingly. May the scared sophomore be praised for hanging out with one person. And may the outgoing person be rebuked for not caring about the people he meets.

And may God receive the glory, for only he knows the hearts of men.

Summary : The hare failed to use his allotment of talent, tortoise won because he had heart and diligence in his full capacity. He probably got a B+ in Calc too.


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