Sunday, June 11, 2006

Bigger Jars - File Folders for Life


Consider the varied amounts of species. And within those species, even more variation. There are different classes, and orderes. These beings are built off of innumerous building blocks.

And thats not even including the interaction between the huge cosmic inventory. Thousands if not billions of seemingly random events and reactions.

If your room was in "chaos", what would your mother say?



And that is exactly how Modernity started.

The Enlightenement.

This project was formulated to develop objective science, universal morality and law, and autonomous art according to their inner logic. Philosophers wanted to add up all the specialized culture for the improvement of day to day life.

They wanted File Folders. For everything.

Langdon Gilkey identifies 4 general characteristics
1.) Contingency - the world around us is a product of causes that are not rational, purposive, or necessary.
2.) Relativism
3.) Temporality or transcience of all things - (Everything turns to crude, or is in the process of turning to crude)

3 Axis of thought

A.) Epistemics -Foundationalism vs. Skepticism
B.) The Philosophy of Language - Referentail or Emotivist. (Does the words actually represent reality as it is, or does language say something about ourselvse?)
C.) Understanding Reality - is the universe sand, or like strings? AKA Individualism or Collectivism.
4.) Autonomy and freedom of man.

Summary: Cleaning your messy room wasn't easy. Organizing the universe isnt any better


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