Sunday, June 11, 2006

Thoughts on Grace: Speaker Amplifiers and Whales

Whales stormed the waters.

The little boat bobbed up and down at a growing pace at the activity below it. The whales surrounded and paced the boat for almost an hour.

The boat had been equipped with an underwater speaker system. For the last hour or so it had been imitating whale calls.


For a whale, there is almost no distinguishing of a speaker system and a real whale. Well, that is of course unti they try mating with the ship.


My heart is filled with a thousand songs,
singing the glory of calvary,
with every breath,
lord how i long,
to sing of Jesus who died for me

How we love the songs, and how the music carries us higher. We sing, we close our eyes, in meditation to only hear the melody of hte instruments and the singing of the group. It is a sweet thing. We sing so loud in fellowship, and in church.

And our talk is so small.

Especially with this song. How our talk does not match our song.

Our words are so plain. But more than just plain, they arent even roughly the same content as our worship songs. There is a great divide between our singing and our speech. Our singing is to the level of passionate spirit possessed people, but our speech?

Little Children.

"God is good"
"I'm learning"
"He means so much to me"
"Isn't God good?"

Where are all the adults? Where is the refined explanations of college level intelligence? Where is hte explanation of the paradoxes and the wide valleys of love of God. How weak our praise of God is in regular conversation.

How so very weak.

Maybe its the heart.

How we do not love our Father God because we do not see his graces. We do not understand the divine power upholding our molecules. We do not see the ideas he places in our heads. We do not realize that we are a combination of our parents. We do not see the amazing complexity that we have friends! They too are combinations of parents. How we are all chosen before hand to become companions in life.

Maybe its the language.

Maybe all we know is "good", "great", "mighty", and "awesome". So buck up and read some books.

People may be like speakers singing as spiritual giants, but where are the real whales of faith that bellow, are immense in size, and expansive in prescence?

Take a look at yourselves and match up peoples. Either Match up your words to your songs, or understand what kind of person you are when the music fades.

Summary: When the music fades, and all is stripped away, will you be a speaker or a whale?


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