Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thoughts on Grace - Albert Einstein's Teacher wasn't Special

And neither are you.

Just because you teach/lead a spectacular group of guys/girls says nothing about you. That is the equivalent of saying, just because your small group/disciplees are feeling particularly generous, that means you are a generous person as well.

Thats a bunch of crap.

You are generous, when YOU are generous, not when other people are generous.

That connection that is drawn from leader to flock is rather ridiculous.

His dad his him.

Repeated beats him. As a result he has massive anger issues, and deep depression/repression of many emotions.

And he's under your leadership.

If he spasms to a rampage, or some how fixes his life. This does nothing for you.

You are not what you lead.

God measures us by how we value and love him. And equally we are measured how we love people because of that great love. Notice though, our diligence is not measured by changes in people.

You could burn yourself alive caring and loving for a group of impatient students, and they never change. Should you mark yourself as a terrible leader? I hardly think so. God loves a cheerful heart, especially one that loves and yearns for those he leads.

In the same fashion, you could not meet up with your people, not talk to them, and not interact with them at all. Even if each one of your students plow on and become pastors, do you think your reward in heaven is great?

Maybe if its in coal.

Examine yourselves, note the anger, the laziness, and all sorts of evil things in yourselves. It is by THOSE things that you will know who you are. From the mouth pours the deep waters of the heart. It is what comes out of hte mouth of a man that defiles him. It is not his followers crooked ways.

Love those you lead. But still know that they are not your measurement. Your measurement with God is Jesus Christ, his righteousness, and how you deal and use that.

Summary: Even if you give everyone F's, that doesn't mean you haven't taught the material.


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