Sunday, March 16, 2008

Calm Ship

Often when I gaze upon the multitudious commands of the holy scripture, facing my written dictator, I think of boats.

Why boats? I actually am struck right now that I have probably used this analogy before. But with all the promises of God, the goal of my internal existence is to be a calm calm ship. To not be turned by storms, waves, monsters, pirates, you name it. I think of this particular thought because I awake today, in the home that i have lived in, and the animals are silent, as well as my roommates. And still inside something rages. It is like a deep craving for something beyond me. Should I try and satisfy it, I often find peace, not because of the sating of the desire, but because of hte exhaustion of my body. How truely sad it is, that I cannot find true rest in this body of death in this life of anarchy. As people multiply the vaccum grows louder. To fill their own void, they try hard to fill others, desperately hoping that will easy the turmoil and hte loneliness. Only to no prevail.

How we all seek after God and do not know it. How we all hunger on a deep level and do not know it. How we all champion ourselves in every possible way and cannot escape it. May God be good to me, this sunday, in words, in deed, in thoughts, in strength, in learning. May he clear my mind of anxiety, and set my boat from the seas and deposit me in the high mountain.


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