Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Its 3:30, and I weight a ton.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Traffic System is like your Veins

The highways are your main veins, and your roads are your small channels to localized areas. Cars are like blood cells. Funny how analogies go.

I guess that would make Los Angeles a dirty tired old man with blood pressure problems. His blood boils pretty much every part of the day, and sometimes his blood cells are moving so fast, they fly out of the veins. Its probably because Los Angeles is a chain smoker.


Everytime i hear "solidworks",
I don't think state of the art, easy to use software.
I don't think of the fact it can model in 3d.
I don't think of the fact it can do heat analysis
I don't think of the fact it can do stress analysis.

I think of poop. And that its solid. And that it takes work to get out.

Xanga is still down

"Xanga will be down today from 7 am - 7 pm EST,"
Xanga is beginning to be like my waistline. Still down.

All I need in Life is my right finger

Job #1 ---- College, what's that?

I worked at a small manufacturing shop. I used to be 1 out of 14 employees. People were amazed when i spoke of "college". I was amazed i was in college and doing this job.

This was my summer job.
Job: Count Bolts. Turn on fax, turn on computers, Count files, count bolts, file papers, count bolts again.
Odd-job: Write Down number of bolts.

Skills used: Sesame Street Numbering songs to keep my mind busy and handy right index finger for counting.

New use of Right index finger: Unstapling 20 staples a min. I kid you not.

Job #2 ---- We are the borg

This was my school job -cashiering at UCLA's faculty center. It's kind of funny watching your esteemed professors chow down 2 bowls of chili and 2 glasses of wine. I guess those be the perks.

Job: Treat everyone the same. Know everyone's membership number. Assimilate more people into the collective membership services. Repeat the same line over and over and over again. Press many buttons on key pad. Live off of crackers and water. Count papers, count receipts, count checks.
Odd-job:Explain the difference between buying bottled coke vs. coke from the machine in a glass. I mean, COME ON PEOPLE.

Skills used: Fake Bo-Tox smile, a cheery muppet voice, and again, my trusting right index finger.
New use of Right index finger: Stiring crackers in water. Hmmmmm Cream of Ritz.

Job#3 ---- I have a Social Security Number

UCLA Lab. Research. Kind of.
I was probably the only one, short of my Boss Boss, that had a SSN. I was 1 of 2 american citizens. Everyone else was "visiting". Man, I hope my mother-in-law doesn't "visit"in the same manner.

Job: Discussing the nuiances of "invite you we wish" and "we wish to invite you". Using the copy machine. Using the fax machine. Searching the web for magazines to submit our Events. Use mouse. Make webpage. Make changes. Make me start over. Make webpage. Make me crazy. Databasing. Data reading. Data hating.
Odd Job: I planned a "business" meeting for my boss in Las Vegas for him and his friends and all their families. Interesting "meeting". Talked to Vegas operator, who was black, for about 1.5 hours. One of the best 90mins on this job.

Skills: English as a first Language. Some art stuff. Even though I would use the keyboard. I would use my right index finger much much much more.
New use of Right index finger: "I didn't want the webpage like this (point at me) you wanted it like this (point at him)" Basioally, stickin to the man. The guilty man.

I feel, therefore I must be - Descartes Lives again

Sadness is not a fun party

(will finish later)

All the Small Things

My friend Frank only wears well fit clothes.

Did i tell you, he ONLY wears well fit clothes.

Arguements of fashion, comments, etc, have no effect on his outfit resolve. So why the choice of sizes in apparel?

Ask him and he will tell you this story: When he was small, he was the opposite. He would only wear big tee shirts. And who wouldn't? You would grow up soon enough, so may as well buy your shirts big, so that you don't have to buy clothes year by year. As a plus, you can wear all your dad's awesome shirts. (well, hopefully your dad is as awesome and his shirts as well.) Well, one day my friend frank was backing out hte black cadillac (taking a poop). He did his business, and got up. He looked down and realized something.

There was a brown stripe on the back of his shirt, trailing all the way from his butt to the end.


Make sense now?

The largest of our behaviors, the most magnanimous of our faults are often attached to unrelated small small events. The smallest of things can turn into the biggest of problems. This is what the book "Tipping Point" is about. But i have also found it in many other facets of life.

"... immorality must not be named among you"
"... do not let the sun set on your anger"
"... you have heard it said, do not murder, but i say to you, if you are angry with your brother, it is as murder"

Even the smallest of things can grow to rampant disasters.

Consider Peter even, how his fear for his life and his reputation lead to his famed denial of Christ. Notice, it wasn't an issue of Christ, but a issue of his own self-concern. It was neither a debate on the deity nor a forum on the incarnation of Christ. No, it was fear, and fear alone.

So how much of your behavior is started by small things? How much evil character has developed from some unrelated encounter? And how has some minor event lead to your great dedication and diligence?

Beware, beware, as the bible says and "be careful how you walk", even the smallest pit in the road can have you stop, buy new shoes, or lose sight of your destination.

So as the song goes -

"All the small things, True care, truth brings"

Xanga's Down

And so is my fun. Here's my first blog.